Brief Project Description
Construction Manager at-Risk services for Upper Proctor Creek Capacity Relief at Rodney Cook, Sr, Park in Historic Vine City. The pond is located between Joseph E. Boone Boulevard, Walnut Street, Thurmond Street and Elm Street, and addresses sewer system capacity relief for the Mineral Springs and Beckwith Street Trunks by collecting surface water runoff and redirecting the flow away from the combined sewer system.
The storm water detention/retention facility consisting of a pond, water quality features, storm drain pipelines, sidewalks and roadway improvements. Our scope included soil remediation, dewatering, utility coordination for water, storm, sewer, and telecommunications in a right-of-way, where we provided traffic control measures. The project also involved relocation water meters, rock excavation and restoration of landscaping for combined sewer system capacity relief. Components of the gravity sewer system included 880’ of 8” PVC pipe, 800’ of 96” RCP, 1100’ of 10” DIP.