Port of Savannah IMMC


Astra received its Notice to Proceed for the civil infrastructure portion of the $128 million rail expansion for the Port of Savannah’s International Multi-Modal Connector (IMMC) project at the Garden City Terminal in Garden City, Ga. This $35 million civil infrastructure project consists of providing soil improvements, earthwork, drainage and erosion control within and adjacent to the James D. Mason Intermodal Container Transfer Facility (ICTF), the realignment of a portion of Pipemakers Canal, installation of two (2) structures across the realigned canal to accommodate future rail tracks, and the installation of a bridge across the canal for maintenance. Part of the project is funded by FASTLANE, a federal grant program, that requires expedited delivery of infrastructure projects to support the growth of the economy and encourages the use of American products.

The two (2) rail bridges across Pipemakers Canal will ultimately connect the Chatham and Mason rail yards, operated by CSX and Norfolk Southern railroads. This Mega-Rail project will allow 10,000-foot trains to be loaded on a terminal with containers double-stacked. The trains will increase the capacity from 500,000 container lifts per year to 1 million when the project is finished.

We are proud to be the contractor for this important Georgia Ports Authority project as it is the first of its kind for the east coast. Once completed, the state-of-the-art expansion will reduce transit times to already in-service routes by more than 24 hours, and will also allow open service to inland markets in the Midwest, including Chicago, St. Louis and the Ohio Valley. The entire project is estimated for completion by the end of 2020.