In July, we had the honor of attending the grand opening and ribbon-cutting of our Upper Proctor Creek Capacity Relief at Rodney Cook, Sr. Park in Historic Vine City projects. So it was with pride, we watched the local community gather in Vine City in Atlanta, Georgia, to celebrate the completion of this park and recognize the significance it carries in this community.
We’re thankful to have worked with Atlanta’s Department of Watershed Management, Parks and Recreation, and The Trust for Public Land to bring this state-of-the-art park to life.
The breathtaking park stands in the middle of a neighborhood that experienced a devastating flood in 2002. The flood destroyed homes and displaced over 60 families. That same space that flooded is now transformed into a safe green space for all that is designed to alleviate and prevent future flooding by capturing and storing up to 10 million gallons of stormwater.
“The 16-acre oasis includes a playground, basketball court, pavilions, water features, and a statue honoring the legendary life of Congressman John Lewis. The park also includes a bioretention pond and eco-inspired green infrastructure such as stormwater planters that line the streetscape and capture runoff, rain gardens that saturate and filter water from stormwater pipes, and native plants and wetlands near the pond that enhance water quality. These unique attributes of the neighborhood park’s design are programmed to prevent flooding, filter stormwater and enhance overall wellbeing.” – Atlanta Department of Watershed Management
Rodney Cook, Sr. Park, also referred to as Peace Park, will provide a space for urban farming programs, sports, youth activities, and a 10,000-volume library of the late C.T. Vivian and Martin Luther King, Jr., families. Eventually, the park will also house two museums that highlight 300 years of Georgia’s history.
We could not be more proud to have been a part of this project. The most fulfilling part of what we do is making communities a better place to live. We look forward to seeing the positive impact this park will have for years to come.